09:00 > 13:00
Inclusive Infrastructure
Time | Panels begin at 9:30am
To RSVP, please click here to confirm your in-person or virtual participation
Join InfraVision Thinktank at the "Inclusive Infrastructure" Conference sponsored by Vauban Infrastructure Partners. This is an exciting event attended by industry thought leaders and prominent public figures. During the conference, we will unveil the findings of the latest annual research study which this year focuses on inclusive infrastructure, shedding light on innovative approaches and presenting solutions to actively shape a sustainable future.
The agenda is composed of public authority representatives, academics, industry experts and industrial partners.
-Event introduction by Gwenola Chambon, CEO and Founding Partner of Vauban Infrastructure Partners.
-Keynote Speech by Agnès-Runacher, French Minister of Energy Transition, Ecology, Climate and Risk Prevention.
-Panel 1 : Infrastructure & inequalities : moving towards more inclusive and just infrastructure
-Keynote Speech by Sadie Morgan, English deisgner, Founder of dRMM, chair of the Independent Design Panel for High Speed Two (HS2) and a board member of both the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) UK and the Thames Estuary 2050 Growth Commission.
-Panel 2 : The future of infrastructure : Perspectives for InfraVision
-Keynote Speech by Alessia Mosca, former Member of the European Parliament.
For further information, please contact communications@vauban-ip.com
09:00 > 11:00
The GEMs Treasure Trove: Catalyzing Private Investment
IFC - International Finance Corporation - World Bank Group
The presentation will highlight the evolution and impact of the GEMs Consortium, a project initiated in 2009 by the EIB and IFC to pool credit risk data on private and sub-sovereign lending in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs). Now with 26 members, the consortium shares critical default and recovery statistics. Following the G20’s 2022 recommendation, the GEMs Consortium expanded its data dissemination efforts, and IFC commissioned a market study to assess the value of these statistics for private sector decision-making. The presentation will showcase newly published reports featuring more in-depth disaggregation of MDB/DFI lending data, debunk myths around perceived high risks in EMDE investments, and discuss how GEMs data can further mobilize private capital.
To RSVP, please contact vrobert@ifc.org
14:00 > 16:30
Vers un avenir décarboné : l'essor des carburants durables en France et en Europe
A l’heure où les objectifs climatiques se précisent en France et en Europe, les carburants durables émergent comme une option pour décarboner de nombreux secteurs. Ces carburants alternatifs aux fossiles peuvent réduire significativement les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Pour relever ce défi ambitieux, tous les acteurs, de la chaîne de production aux consommateurs, doivent s’adapter et s’organiser.
Pour discuter des problématiques rencontrées par ces acteurs, nous avons réuni un panel diversifié comprenant un producteur d’énergie et un fonds d’investissement, avec une perspective réglementaire apportée par Orrick.
Avec la participation de :
- Antoine Huard, Cofondateur et Directeur Général, Verso Energy
- Erwann Huon de Kermadec, Associé, Infrastructure & Project Finance, Eight Advisory
- Xavier Ploquin, Investment Director, Chief of staff of the CEO, Meridiam
- Geoffroy Berthon, Associé, Droit public, Orrick
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter evenements.paris@orrick.com
15:00 > 17:30
AIFA, Africa Infrastructures: the New Challenges
L'Africa Investments Forum & Awards (AIFA) réunit les principaux décideurs économiques et politiques - dirigeants d'entreprises publiques et privées, experts et investisseurs institutionnels - pour un programme de conférences et de networking consacré aux opportunités d'affaires sur le continent africain, notamment dans les secteurs de l'énergie, des infrastructures et du développement urbain.
For further information, please contact https://www.africa-ifa.com/programme/2024-programme.htm
19:30 > 21:30